Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey; you're taking the first steps on The Road To 850. We will meet on a bi-weekly basis. This Mastermind is comprised of like-minded individuals sharing ideas and knowledge in a safe, fun, enthusiastic environment. We want to help create financial independence by striving to have the best credit profile. Through your personal testimonials, group conversation, and collaboration, we look to examine the current credit system and learn how to increase your FICO score. We will instill the “sexy” in credit through education, change of mind set, goal setting and discipline.
For the success of this group we always follow these guidelines:
It doesn't matter how you start; it's how you finish!
We are never selling; just telling. Sales are not allowed in these sessions. For those wanting more info can always communicate via chat line.
We are all here to support one another and facilitate useful information for the betterment of others