Have You Played the MLM Game MLM the Game is designed with the representative in mind. It will teach you, your team members, and your prospects the fundamentals of network marketing and the reality of the business. Playing MLM The Game gives you endless opportunities to practice your skills in the 5 fundamentals essential for network marketing success. Read more about the game. |
Generational Wealth Zone Presents:
Strongbrook Wealth Building Empowerment Presentation Date: Mondays Time: 7:00PM-9:00PM Price: No Cost Location Dallas BBQ's 261 8th Avenue, Lower Level New York, NY 10018 To Register by Phone: (917)407-9209 Register by Email: [email protected] (Please include your name and who invited you) |
Why be on our weekly training call?
Reason #1 ~ This weekly training call will help you rise up to a new level in your business. It is packed with powerful information that will help you and your team grow into a strong and lasting business in the area of financial education services with unlimited residual income because William Moore gives you the proven and powerful step by step absolutes to success. Each call is jam-packed with gold nuggets of information, but even if you get just one idea that will turn your business around, it's worth the 45 minute investment of your time! Reason #2 ~ We are often are bombarded with negative influences every day from numerous outside sources in the media, radio, and from negative people around us. Consider our weekly "Success Call" as an opportunity to recharge! |
Here are the Call Details:
Call Dates: Tuesday Nights Call Time: 9:00 pm EST Dial-In Number: 1-559-726-1300 Your Access Code: 861506# Email: [email protected] if you need help with getting on the call. I look forward to your attendance on these calls. We have a lot to share with you so have a pen and paper handy, and be ready to be energized! |